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“Manhaj At-Tullāb fī Fiqh Al-Imām Ash-Shāfi‘ī” is written by Sheikh al-Islam Zain ad-Din Zakariya Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmed al-Ansari ash-Shāfi’i (died 926 AH).
This book is a summary of the book “Minhāj At-Tālibīn wa-‘umdat al-Muftīn” by Imam An-Nawawi, with additions and an increase in subdivisions.
This book is distinguished by its clarity of pronunciation and the abundance of its expression, which made it circulated among scholars and students alike with regard to memorization, explanation and poetry composition.
Exemplary edition, verified from 5 complete manuscripts (16 manuscripts in all), 100% Harakat. This edition is prefaced by 3 contemporary Shafi'i Sheikhs congratulating the Muhaqqiq for his work.
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