Al-Umm of Imam ash-Shafi'i (all harakat)

Mughni al-Muhtaj - Ash-Shirbini (Fiqh Shafii)

Al Muharrar fi Fiqh al Imam Ash-Shafi'i (3 vol....

Nayl ar-Rajaa bi Sharh Safinat an-Najaa (Fiqh...

An-Nafahat al-Makkiyah fi al-Fawa-id...

The book is of great and useful scientific importance. It is a well-known fundamental issue of Ash-Shafi’i school of thought (Madhhab). Ash-Shafi’i, as well as other imams, may have expressed two opinions regarding some issues without clarifying the correct one. Some of the Hanafi and Mu’tazilites scholars became increasingly critical of ash-Shafi’i in this matter, so it became one of the issues of disagreement between the Hanafi and ash-Shafi’i schools first, and then it became one of the issues of the principles of jurisprudence recorded in his books. Some of ash-Shafi’i’s scholars have assigned books to it, such as Ibn al-Qass and al-Ghazali.
Explaining a single issue to different opinions; he explained the issue of the two opinions with ten explanations, which is the goal of the entire manuscript. The author has mentioned several chapters that serve as an introduction at the beginning of the book, out of his desire to achieve his goal. After understanding these ten explanations of the issues of the two opinions and the author’s purpose in explaining them, it is possible to read ash-Shafi’i’s Madhhab accordingly and understand the differences reported from Imam Ash-Shafi’i, may Allah be pleased with him.
The book includes "The Reality of the Two Opinions" by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, may Allah have mercy on him.
An excellent, verified and annotated edition.
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