Madrassah as-Sahabah - Jihad Al-Turbani

Madrassah Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) - Jihad...

101, The Secret of Arius - Jihad Al-Turbani

101, The Vandal War - Jihad Al-Turbani

100 Greats from the Islamic Nation - Jihad...

101 Barbarossa Mysteries is written by Jihad Al-Turbani. It is an important historical literary books, as it contains a lot of new information and secrets inherent in Islamic history, and nobody has shed light on it before. In this novel we learn about the story of Commander Barbarossa, how he managed to save thousands of innocent people from the Inquisition in Andalusia, how the Muslims were able to save France from the occupation, and how Francis I of France turned the French port of Toulon into a military base for Commander Barbarossa. The novel also mentions the tower of skulls, the pirates of Saint John, the story of the sea fighters, the state that was established on the coasts of Morocco, and other important historical stories.
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