Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani

الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah is matn of fiqh known by Imam al-Shawkaani which has the distinction of giving directly the dominant speech in the different issues of fiqh, without following any particular Madhhab. This is the Sharh that was the author, Imam ash-Shawkaanee, in which he cites the evidence on which he built his legal choices.

Excellent edition, checked and authenticated with a referencing of evidence and chapter headings in the margins to help the student in his research.
1 large volume of over 800 pages!
Tahqiq: صيب ملا محمد نوري علي
Pages: 856
Edition: مؤسسة الرسالة
Checking and preparation
صيب ملا محمد نوري علي
مؤسسة الرسالة
Print Quality
Good Quality Print
€22.90 (tax incl.)
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Data sheet

الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية
الإمام محمد بن علي الشوكاني
مؤسسة الرسالة
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Checking and preparation
صيب ملا محمد نوري علي
Print Quality
Good Quality Print

Editions available

Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Lebanese (saudi quality)

Excellent edition, checked and authenticated by the Yemeni Muhaqqiq Muhammad Subhi ibn Hasan Hallaq, with a referencing of evidence and chapter headings in the margins to help the student in his research.
1 large volume of over 1000 pages!
Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

Excellent edition, checked and authenticated with a referencing of evidence and chapter headings in the margins to help the student in his research.
1 large volume of over 800 pages!
Tahqiq: صيب ملا محمد نوري علي
Pages: 856
Edition: مؤسسة الرسالة
Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Yemenite

Very good edition by a Yemeni publishing house. It is authenticated and verified according to several manuscripts including one from the hand of the author, Imam ash-Shawkani. This edition completes and corrects that produced and verified by Mohamed Sobhi al-Halaq.
Corrected edition, very precise on referencing hadiths and their authentication.
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Editions available

Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Lebanese (saudi quality)

Excellent edition, checked and authenticated by the Yemeni Muhaqqiq Muhammad Subhi ibn Hasan Hallaq, with a referencing of evidence and chapter headings in the margins to help the student in his research.
1 large volume of over 1000 pages!
Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

Excellent edition, checked and authenticated with a referencing of evidence and chapter headings in the margins to help the student in his research.
1 large volume of over 800 pages!
Tahqiq: صيب ملا محمد نوري علي
Pages: 856
Edition: مؤسسة الرسالة
Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani  الدراري المضية شرح الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية - الشوكاني

Edition Yemenite

Very good edition by a Yemeni publishing house. It is authenticated and verified according to several manuscripts including one from the hand of the author, Imam ash-Shawkani. This edition completes and corrects that produced and verified by Mohamed Sobhi al-Halaq.
Corrected edition, very precise on referencing hadiths and their authentication.
Product Details

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Ad-Darari al-Madiyyah sharh ad-Durar al-Bahiya - Shawkani