Ta'jil an-Nada bi Sharh Qatr an-Nada - Abdallah...

Sharh Mulhatul-I'rab by Imam al-Hariri (516H) -...

Ma'ani al-Qur'an wa Tafsir I'rabihi - Qutrub...

Mu’jam Qawa’id ‘Arabiyah wa Nahwi wa Tasrif wa...

Sharh As-Suyuti to Alfiat ibn Malik, with...

It is truly an explanation that fulfils the need of literary people, and massively referenced by the linguists, due to its scientific and literary collection, compiled by its illustrious author, who has written several books in various disciplines.
Ibn Abi Tayy says: “As for what follows: I ask Almighty Allah, the Revealer of the Most Exalted (Divine Revelation) and the Bestower of the Universal Good to help me in my effort to facilitate the interpretation of the poem of Al-Shanfari “Laamiyat Al-Arab wa Minhaaj Al-Adab”, the poem with the rare rhyme... to show what I included of the witty jokes of literature.”
In his verification, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Batshan, gave it a high substantiated touch that adorned the book’s footnotes; he referred to several sources in various disciplines to verify the original, which turned the book into a unique work that a student of knowledge cannot do without, and All Praise is due to Allah. 100% Harakat.
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