Al-Kafi fi An-Nahwi - Sayyid al-Khalifah

Al-I'rab and Arabic grammar simplified -...

Al-Mumti' fi Sharh al-Ajrumiyyah -Abu Anas...

Jaami' ad-Duroos al-Arabiyyah - Mustafa...

Sharh Al-Muqaddimah al-Ajrumiyyah - Abdulkarim...

There is little explanation of the Nadhm of al-Ajrmiyyah of the scholar Muhammad ibn Oubbouh al-Qalawi ach-Chanqiti printed. Here is a complete and very beneficial for the one who wants to access the explanation of the poem.
Explained by Ahmad al-Hazimi known for his detailed explanations in the Arabic language, very beautiful edition with index of research.
Note: It has been brought to our attention that the author is a person known for his exaggeration in the Takfir and the hardness in the criticism of the scholars. We propose this Sharh because there is very few explanations of this poem in written publication, and that the quality of the Sharh is real and therefore beneficial. Unfortunately this will not be the first book of grammar or balaghah written by a person with misguidance, it is very widespread and incha ALLAh it does not harm the reader because nothing in the book sold here affects Aqida or Minhaj. So we sell this Sharh for the scientific benefits it contains and we do not endorse the Manhaj of its author, even if this seems obvious.
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