at-Tuhfatus-Sanniya bi Sharh al-Muqaddima...

At-Tatbiq an-Nahwi - D. Abduh ar-Rajihi

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Tuhfatul Wusabiyya fi Tasheel matn al-Ajurrumiyyah

Explanation of Alfiyat Ibn Malik by Badr ad-Din Hassan Ibn Qasim al-Muradi.
The book’s name is “Tawdheeh al-Qaasid wal-Masaalik bisharh Alfiyat Ibn Malik”, and is written by al-Muradi, known as Ibn Qasim, who died in 749 AH. In this explanation, Ibn Qasim’s personality has emerged, indicating his ability and intelligence, and his talents and ideas were manifested in this book.
There is no doubt that it is a more complete explanation and is characterised by accuracy and simplicity, and its clarification of the views and doctrines of grammarians.
Ibn Qasim has guided the authors after him, because his concern was directed towards clarifying the Alfiyat of Ibn Malik and explaining its purpose.
This book has been a source and a guide for later grammarians who engaged in explaining the Alfiyat.
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