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Musnad Abi Dawud at-Tayalissi - harakat

At-Tus'aiyyat by Hafidh Ibn al-'Attar (44 Hadiths)

Al-Ilmā’ ila Ma’rifat Usul ar-Riwāyah wa Taqyeed as-Sama’ is a book in the sciences of Hadith written by Al-Qadi ‘Iyad after the books: (Al-Kifāyah fi Ilm Ar-Riwāyah) and (Al-Ja’mi Li Akhlāq ar-Rāwi’ wa ‘Adāb as-Sama’) by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, may Allah have mercy on him.
In the book, the author has explained the Principles of Hadith Narration and writing a hadith through listening.
The author says: “The first chapters are knowledge of the ethics of seeking, attaining and listening to Hadith, then knowing the knowledge of that, its aspects and from whom to acquire it, then mastery and writing, then memorization and awareness, then discernment and criticism by knowing which Hadith is Sahih (authentic), Dai’f (weak), Maqbul (accepted), Matruk (abandoned), Mawdu’ (fabricated), and so on.”
Excellent Tahqiq from 4 manuscripts, with additional annotations. 100% Harakat.
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