Kitab al-Asami wa al-Kuna - Abi Ahmad al-Haakim (378H)
كتاب الأسامي والكنى - الإمام أبو أحمد الحاكم الكبير
Al-Asaamee wal-Kunaa of Imaam al-Haakim al-Kabeer is the oldest work gathering the Kunia and names of the reporters, according to this methodology and this classification.
The author has classified the Kounia alphabetically, beginning with the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Abu al-Qassim, then the other Abul-Qasim.
For each Kunya, he quotes the full name, their other Kunya for some, sometimes the complete genealogy, for the hadith narrators from whom they took the hadeeth and to whom they transmitted, and sometimes one or more hadith they have reported, Muhaddith's words about them for others ...
Excellent edition in 7 volumes, verified from several manuscripts, with annotations for additional references in other books of biography or history.
Data sheet
- Title
- كتاب الأسامي والكنى
- Author
- الإمام أبو أحمد الحاكم الكبير
- Volumes
- 7
- Pages
- 3924
- Edition
- الرسالة العالمية
- Cover
- Hard
- Preface
- د. أكرم ضياء العمري
- Checking and preparation
- إبراهيم بن سعيد الصبيحي وخليل بن محمد العربي
- Volumes
- 7
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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