Mu'in al-Hukkam - At-Tarabulusi ('Ilm al-Qadha)

The Distraction Prostrations in the Maliki Madhhab

Tashil al-Muqni' fi Hal Alfadh ar-Rawd...

Sharh Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah...

Ikhtiyaaraat al-Imaam as-San'aani al-Fiqhiyyah

The book “Al-Iqna’ fi Masa’il al-Ijma’”, written by the Muhaddith jurist, Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Malik al-Kutami al-Himyari al-Fassi, nicknamed Ibn al-Qattan (d.628 AH),” is a great book by which his compiler, may Allah have mercy on him, intended to avoid disagreement and seek agreement among scholars regarding certain issues. So he did a great job and spared no effort to provide a summary of what the scholars have agreed upon, or at least the majority among them.
“Al-Iqna’ fi Masa’il al-Ijma’”is considered a supply book for the specialists, and, at the same time, an assistance for beginners and ordinary Muslims who are not qualified to consider differences or weight the evidence.
“Al-Iqna’ fi Masa’il al-Ijma’” is divided into Books: Kitab Al-Iman (Book of Faith), Kitab Salaat (Book of Prayer), Kitab Zakaat, etc., and through these Books, Ibn al-Qattan has presented the agreement and consensus of Muslim scholars on these topics.
Excellent edition with a serious Tahqiq and very important annotations in which the reader can find the references of the opinions quoted in the books of each school.
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