The book "Al-Majariyat" by the Islamic scholar and thinker Ibrahim Al-Sakran addresses the problem of people's preoccupation with following daily news and events at the expense of more important matters. The author divided the book into three main sections, where in the first section he discusses the concept of "Al-Majariyat" and its impact on individuals. In the second section, he examines the addiction to social media and its psychological and social consequences. In the third section, he cites examples of prominent scholars and thinkers and their stance on being absorbed in political and media coverage.
In conclusion, the author emphasizes the need to focus on priority matters instead of being preoccupied with talk about irrelevant things. Overall, the book provides a comprehensive vision for addressing the problem of excessive engagement with daily news and events.
Data sheet
- Author
- إبراهيم السكران
- Pages
- 344
- Edition
- مؤسسة قطر الندى
- Cover
- Soft
- Format
- 14x20cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
- Print Quality
- Budget Print (good quality)
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وحدة الولاء البديعة في الكون والإنسان والشريعة - زكريا عبد الرزاق المصري
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مفهوم أهل السنة والجماعة بين شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية و أهل الإفراط و التفريط - عادل بن محمد الشميري
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Zukhruf al-Qawl by Dr. Abdullah al-'Ajiri & Dr. Fahd al-'Ajlan
زخرف القول - عبد الله العجيري - فهد العجلان
Al-Adillah al-‘Aqliyyah an-Naqliyah ala Usul al-I‘tiqad - Su'ud 'Arifi
الأدلة العقلية النقلية على أصول الاعتقاد - سعود العريفي
The End of the World (Nihayat al-'Alam) - Muhammad al-'Arifi
نهاية العالم أشراط الساعة الصغرى والكبرى - د. محمد بن عبد الرحمن العريفي
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