Siyar 'Alaam an-Nubalaae by Imam adh-Dhahabee

Biography of Emir Abdelkader al-Jazairi - Dr...

Dawlat al-Madinah al-Munawwarah al-Islam - Dr...

Tarikh al-Khulafa ar-Rashidin - History of the...

Al-Wajiz fi Tarikh al-Islam wal-Muslimin (+...

Imam adh-Dhahabi is the author of a wonderful book on the history of Muslims called: "Tarikh al-Islam" (printed in more than 30 volumes). He wrote this magnificent Muslim historical encyclopedia in the following way: he mentions the year as a title (e.g. the year 40 of the Hegira) and then he mentions everything that happened during that year, such as births, battles, conquests, problems, deaths, etc.
This book, "Al-Ishara" is written in exactly the same way: by mentioning the year as a title (e.g. year 128 AH) and then mentioning what happened in that year, but in this book he mentions only the deaths: all the people who died in that year, all the personalities related to the history of the Muslims, whether they are Muslims or disbelievers, pious or not.
The author begins his book with the year 1 of the Hegira until he reaches his time, the author died in the year 748 H.
A rare book, in a serious edition that has the majority of Harakats (about 60%) on proper names in particular, which is extremely useful.
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