Ibn Khaldun's Muqadimmah is among the greatest literary works in human history. Its famous author, historian and philosopher (although it would be reductive to limit him to that), wrote this work as an introduction to his famous book of history, Kitab al-'Ibar (known as Tarikh ibn Khaldun).
The book is often considered the first work on sociology, philosophy of history, demography and many other related fields. It also deals with Islamic theology, natural sciences, biology and chemistry.
According to the orientalist Georges Marçais, the Prolegomena (the translation given to the title of the Muqaddimah) is "one of the most substantial and interesting works that the human mind has produced".
Very nice edition, with part of the Harakat, and annotations on the Hadiths or to explain some words used by the author.
Data sheet
- Title
- مقدمة ابن خلدون
- Author
- ابن خلدون
- Pages
- 695
- Edition
- مؤسسة الرسالة
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque Through History -...
Summary of Bidayah wa Nihayah (ibn Kathir) –...
Tarikh Ibn 'Issa (History of the Najd and its...
Al-Ilm al-Mufrad fi Fadl al-Hajar al-Aswad -...
Al-Isharah ila Wafayat (Muntaqa min Tarikh...
Huqbah min at-Tarikh - An Era of History by...
Dawlat al-Madinah al-Munawwarah al-Islam - Dr Abdul-Rahman al-Hajji
دولة المدينة المنورة الاسلام والدولة المعاصرة - عبد الرحمن علي الحجي
Al-'Awasim min al-Qawasim fi Tahqiq Mawaqif as-Sahabah - Ibn al-'Arabi
العواصم من القواصم في تحقيق مواقف الصحابة بعد وفاة النبي - ابن العربي
Akhlaq al-Anbiya by Muhammad Abdullah ad-Duwaish
أخلاق الأنبياء عليهم السلام - د. محمد بن عبد الله الدويش
Al-Fikr al-Ash'ari bi al-Andalous - Tarikh wa Ishkalat
الفكر الأشعري بالأندلس: تاريخ وإشكالات - مجموعة من الاساتذة
Kitab as-Siyar of Shaykh al-Islam al-Fazari (186H) - Maghazi & Siyar
كتاب السير لشيخ الإسلام أبي إسحاق الفزاري
Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque Through History - Muhammad Ali Al-Bar
القدس والمسجد الأقصى عبر التاريخ - محمد علي البار
Summary of Bidayah wa Nihayah (ibn Kathir) – Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani
ما ورد من الرواية في البداية والنهاية لابن كثير - ابن حجر العسقلاني
Al-Ilm al-Mufrad fi Fadl al-Hajar al-Aswad - Sibt Al Hassan (1057H)
العلم المفرد في فضل الحجر الأسود - سبط آل الحسن
Al-Isharah ila Wafayat (Muntaqa min Tarikh al-Islam) - Imam al-Dhahabi
الإشارة إلى وفيات الأعيان (المنتقى من تاريخ الإسلام) - الإمام الذهبي
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