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This is a biographical encyclopaedia covering ten centuries in the history of some famous Hadith scholars and other notable figures. The author kept his impartiality when alluding to the events that took place in Islamic history.
It is in the form of biographical layers that begin with the first year of the Hijrah, then the second, and so on, referring to the main events in each year, such as the death of a jurist or a Hadith scholar, by mentioning a part of his biography, to assist the recorder of historical events.
It helps the reader review the lives of the great scholars and Hadith narrators, without having to refer to numerous books, as he relied on the books of Al-Hafiz Al-Dhahabi (including Siyar Alam an-Nubalae), then “Al-Kamal” by Al-Maqdisi, “Al-Heelah” by Al-Asfahani, and “Al-Wafayaat” by Ibn Khalkan.
This is the first time that a Tahqiq has been done on this book with the verification of Shaykh 'Abdel-Qadir al-Arnaut. The last volume contains several indexes that serve the book and benefit the reader.
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