Ar-Raf' wa at-Takmeel fi al-Jarh wa Ta'deel - Abdul-Hay al-Luknawi (1304H)

الرفع والتكميل في الجرح والتعديل - الإمام اللكنوي

This excellent work exposes the ins and outs of Jarh wa Tad'il, what is allowed or not in this science, their conditions, and many examples and quotes from great Ulama of Hadeeth on this subject.

The author of this book is Imam Abd al-Hay al-Luknawi (Mawlana Abdul Hayy Abul-Hasanat), a great Muhaddith, Faqih and Usuli from India of the last century (1304H).

Beautiful edition authenticated by the Muhaddith Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah who wrote additional annotations to facilitate the reader's understanding. Harakat in part.

€22.90 (tax incl.)
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الرفع والتكميل في الجرح والتعديل
الإمام أبو الحسنات محمد عبد الحي اللكنوي
دار البشائر الإسلامية
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عبد الفتاح أبو غدة
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Ar-Raf' wa at-Takmeel fi al-Jarh wa Ta'deel - Abdul-Hay al-Luknawi (1304H)