Ilal al-Hadith wa-Ma'rifat ar-Rijal wa-at-Tarikh - Ali Ibn al-Madini
علل الحديث ومعرفة الرجال والتاريخ - علي ابن المديني
Ilal al-Hadith wa-Ma'rifat ar-Rijal wa-at-Tarikh by Ali Ibn al-Madini (The Reasons for Hadith and knowledge of Hadith Narrators and History)
The origin of this book was about the reasons for Hadith in which Ibn al-Madini spoke about the interruption of the chain of narration and its connection, the backgrounds and conditions of the Hadith narrators (criticism and praise), the history of the narrators and their narrations, and the ruling on the Hadiths.
The editor of this book, Abu Abd Allah Mazin Ibn Muhammad Sirsawi, took care of the verification and authentication of the book’s Hadiths, explaining their methods and providing ruling on them. In fact, the origin of his work was a thesis presented to the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and Da’wah in Ez-Zagazig, Al-Azhar University, and he obtained a Masters Degree with honours.
Beautiful Saudi edition, all the Harakats on Hadiths and lots of annotations.
Data sheet
- Title
- علل الحديث ومعرفة الرجال والتاريخ
- Author
- علي ابن المديني
- Pages
- 701
- Edition
- دار ابن الجوزي
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- مازن بن محمد السرساوي
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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