Talkhis al-Habir by Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani - 7 volumes
تلخيص الحبير فى تخريج أحاديث الرافعى الكبير - ابن حجر العسقلاني
This book by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani is one of his works in which he references Hadith in Fiqh, their chains and discusses the degree of authenticity of the Hadith and its reporters.
Talkhis al-Habir is the commentary of the Hadiths contained in Imam ar-Rafi'i's "Ash-Sharh al-Kabir" (in Shafi'i Fiqh), which is the complete explanation of Imam Ghazali's Fiqh book "al-Wajiz".
Many scholars have been interested in the Hadith contained in "Ash-Sharh al-Kabir" and have referenced them, and this book presented here by Imam Ibn Hajar is one of them, and probably the most famous.
An excellent edition authenticated from 6 manuscripts, and assembled in 7 volumes, the last of which is devoted to several research indexes useful to the student and researcher.
Data sheet
- Title
- التمييز في تلخيص تخريج أحاديث شرح الوجيز المشهور بـ التلخيص الحبير
- Author
- الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني
- Volumes
- 7
- Pages
- 3941
- Edition
- دار ابن حزم
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- محمد الثاني بن عمر بن موسى
- Volumes
- 7
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Tabaqat al-Muhaddithin bil-Qayrawan (until the 5th century of Hegira)
طبقات المحدثين بالقيروان من الفتح الإسلامي إلى القرن الخامس الهجري
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Idaah as-Sabeel fi Sharh Ithaaf an-Nabeel - Muhammad Adam al-Ithiopi
إيضاح السبيل في شرح إتحاف النبيل بمهمات علم الجرح والتعديل - محمد بن علي بن آدم الإثيوبي
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Al-Rawd al-Basim fi Taraajim Shuyukh al-Hakim - Naif Al-Mansuri
الروض الباسم فى تراجم شيوخ الحاكم - نايف المنصورى
al-Mu-talif wa al-Mukhtalif - Al Imam al-Hadifh ad-Daraqutni (385H)
المؤتلف والمختلف للإمام الحافظ الدارقطني
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