Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar (Ilm al-Rijal)

تقريب التهذيب لابن حجر العسقلاني

Excellent book to enter the science of Jarh wa wa Ta'dil 'ilm ar-Rijal, with this classic by Ibn Hajar al-' Asqalani, citing in alphabetical order all the narrators of the six books of hadith, and giving their judgment.

Ibn Hajar composed his book from Tahdhib At-Tahdhib of his own summary of Al-Mizzi book, Tahdeeb al-Kamal fi Asmaa ar-Rijaal.
This is the best edition of this book, prefaced and complimented by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd, the Tahqiq of Abu al-Ashbal al-Bakistani is scrupulous and most serious, which is paramount in the science of reporters.
The very large volume of more than 1400 pages has a very clear and airy layout, which is ideal for the researcher.
دار العاصمة
In Majority or Totality
Print Quality
Premium Quality ++
€49.90 (tax incl.)
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تقريب التهذيب
الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني
دار العاصمة
In Majority or Totality
Print Quality
Premium Quality ++

Editions available

Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar  (Ilm al-Rijal)  تقريب التهذيب لابن حجر العسقلاني

Edition Saudi

This is the best edition of this book, prefaced and complimented by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd, the Tahqiq of Abu al-Ashbal al-Bakistani is scrupulous and most serious, which is paramount in the science of reporters.
The very large volume of more than 1400 pages has a very clear and airy layout, which is ideal for the researcher.
Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar  (Ilm al-Rijal)  تقريب التهذيب لابن حجر العسقلاني

Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

Stunning editing, with layout more airy and more readable with the black and red print. With authentication and annotations Bashar Ma'rouf and Shu'ayb al-Arna'oot entitled "Tahrir Taqrib at Tahdib". And this excellent work is completed by a last Tahqiq and annotations with dates of death of the narrators, comments of Dhahabi and other Fawaid. Brilliant.
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Editions available

Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar  (Ilm al-Rijal)  تقريب التهذيب لابن حجر العسقلاني

Edition Saudi

This is the best edition of this book, prefaced and complimented by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd, the Tahqiq of Abu al-Ashbal al-Bakistani is scrupulous and most serious, which is paramount in the science of reporters.
The very large volume of more than 1400 pages has a very clear and airy layout, which is ideal for the researcher.
Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar  (Ilm al-Rijal)  تقريب التهذيب لابن حجر العسقلاني

Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

Stunning editing, with layout more airy and more readable with the black and red print. With authentication and annotations Bashar Ma'rouf and Shu'ayb al-Arna'oot entitled "Tahrir Taqrib at Tahdib". And this excellent work is completed by a last Tahqiq and annotations with dates of death of the narrators, comments of Dhahabi and other Fawaid. Brilliant.
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Taqrib at-Tahdhib by Ibn Hajar (Ilm al-Rijal)