Tas-hifat al-Muhaddithin by Abu Ahmad al-'Askari (382H) - 1400 pages
تصحيفات المحدثين - ﺃﺑﻲ ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺤﺴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻱ
A book that examines names and problematic expressions that are similar in calligraphy, in which a misspelling or mistake takes place in setting the word or its image, such as substituting a letter for another letter.
Originally, it was a book that the author shortened from a major book that he did in misspelling or metaplasm (At-Tas’heef). Then he was asked in the city of Ar-Rayy and Isfahan to single out what the hadith narrators and transmitters need, so he removed everything that has nothing to do with the hadith and limited it to what the hadith narrators and transmitters need to explain that which is misspelt from the words of the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, as well as the names of the Companions, the Followers, and those who follow them among the narrators whose names can be misspelt, such as: Habbab, Hattat, Hayyan, Habban, and so on.
A rare work of great value to the researcher and student. The edition we have chosen is the most reliable insha Allah, with the Tahqiq of Dr. Mahmud Ahmad Mayrah. He has scrupulously verified the text from 4 manuscripts and has made many necessary annotations for the reader.
The 3 original volumes are published here in one volume of 1400 pages!
Data sheet
- Title
- تصحيفات المحدثين
- Author
- ﺃﺑﻲ ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺤﺴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﺴﻜﺮﻱ
- Pages
- 1440
- Edition
- دار البشائر الإسلامية
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- محمود أحمد ميرة
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
Mu'jam at-Tarikhi li Mustalahat al-Hadithiyah...
Tabaqat al-Muhaddithin bil-Qayrawan (until the...
Afat Ashab al-Hadith wa-l-Radd 'ala 'Abd...
Ar-Raf' wa at-Takmeel fi al-Jarh wa Ta'deel -...
Mu'jam of narrotors that al-Albani has made...
Al-Rawd al-Basim fi Taraajim Shuyukh al-Hakim -...
al-Mu-talif wa al-Mukhtalif - Al Imam al-Hadifh ad-Daraqutni (385H)
المؤتلف والمختلف للإمام الحافظ الدارقطني
Talkhis al-Habir by Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani - 7 volumes
تلخيص الحبير فى تخريج أحاديث الرافعى الكبير - ابن حجر العسقلاني
Idaah as-Sabeel fi Sharh Ithaaf an-Nabeel - Muhammad Adam al-Ithiopi
إيضاح السبيل في شرح إتحاف النبيل بمهمات علم الجرح والتعديل - محمد بن علي بن آدم الإثيوبي
Al-Kashif fi Ma'rifat man Lahu Riwayat fi Kutub Al-Sittah - Al-Dhahabi
الكاشف في معرفة من له رواية في الكتب الستة - الإمام الذهبي
Al-Qawl al-Jamil fi 'Ilm al-Jarh wa at-Ta'dil - Ibn Athir (606H)
القول الجميل في علم الجرح والتعديل - الإمام ابن الأثير
Al-Mustalah al-Hadithi min khilal Kitab al-Jarh wa Ta'dil li Ibn Abi Hatim
المصطلح الحديثي من خلال كتاب الجرح والتعديل لابن أبي حاتم - عبد الرحمن محجوبي
Mu'jam at-Tarikhi li Mustalahat al-Hadithiyah al-Mua'rrafah
المعجم التاريخي للمصطلحات الحديثية المعرفة
Tabaqat al-Muhaddithin bil-Qayrawan (until the 5th century of Hegira)
طبقات المحدثين بالقيروان من الفتح الإسلامي إلى القرن الخامس الهجري
Afat Ashab al-Hadith wa-l-Radd 'ala 'Abd al-Mughith by Ibn al-Jawzi
آفة أصحاب الحديث والرد على عبد المغيث - الإمام ابن الجوزي
Ar-Raf' wa at-Takmeel fi al-Jarh wa Ta'deel - Abdul-Hay al-Luknawi (1304H)
الرفع والتكميل في الجرح والتعديل - الإمام اللكنوي
Mu'jam of narrotors that al-Albani has made criticism and praise (4 vol.)
معجم أسامي الرواة الذين ترجم لهم العلامة محمد ناصر الدين الألباني
Al-Rawd al-Basim fi Taraajim Shuyukh al-Hakim - Naif Al-Mansuri
الروض الباسم فى تراجم شيوخ الحاكم - نايف المنصورى
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