Tasmiyat man Rawa Al-Muwatta ‘an Malik ibn Anas + 2 Risalah

تسمية من روى الموطأ عن الإمام مالك بن أنس - هبة الله الأكفاني (ت٥٢٤)

This book originated from a precious manuscript by one of the scholars of Andalusia, Abu al-Abbas al-Siqilli, who wrote it in the year 542 Hijri. It contains a collection of works which are very useful in the Maliki school of thought. Adel bin Ali O-Aasim extracted these separate works from the manuscript, verified them, and provided commentary in this elegant volume. This edition includes three original works:

1. “Tasmiyat man Rawa Al-Muwatta ‘an Malik bin Anas”, written by Hibat Allah bin Ahmad bin al-Akfani (d. 524 A.H.). In this book, Al-Akfani mentions 48 Imams who narrated Al-Muwatta from Malik. The editor provides their biographies and discusses their narrations of Al-Muwatta, whether printed or transmitted, along with other scholarly details.

2. “Names of the scholars from whom Malik narrated in Al-Muwatta,” written by Ibn al-Qassaar al-Siqilli, in whose handwriting the whole manuscript collection was written.

3. “The testament of Imam Malik to students of knowledge,” heard from Imam Yahya bin Yahya al-Andalusi, a well-known narrator of Al-Muwatta (d. 234 A. H.). Despite its brevity, the testament contains extremely valuable guidance for students of knowledge.

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تسمية من روى الموطأ عن الإمام مالك بن أنس الأصبحي، إمام دار الهجرة
هبة الله بن أحمد بن الأكفاني
دار المحدث
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Tasmiyat man Rawa Al-Muwatta ‘an Malik ibn Anas + 2 Risalah