Manual on the Science of Scripture and the...

Jamilah Arbab al-Marasid fi Sharh 'Aqilat Atrab...

Mandhumah 'Aqilat Atrab al-Qasaid - al-Shatibi...

This book by the great Imam specialist, Abu 'Amr ad-Daanee comes to explain and treat the subject of harakat/tashkeel in the composition of the Koranic copies. The last part of the book contains examples and diagrams of writing.
The copies of the Qur'an that we are reading now are very different from the first collections of the Sahaba and Tabi'in era. Indeed the Arabic language at the time was written neither with points nor with harakats or tashkil. We quickly added points at the top or bottom of some letters to differentiate them, especially for learning and reading non-Arabs. Then came the addition of harakats (chadda, damma, fatha ...) for the same purpose.
And this is part of the sciences of the Quran, his writing, his calligraphy, his preservation were the subject of work and have a history.
Edition magnificent, verified, authenticated, annotated, with harakats in majority.
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