Al-Kaafiyyatu ash-Shaafiyyah (an-Nooniyyah) -...

Shifaae al-'Ilaal fi masaail al-Qadaa wal-Qadar...

At-Turuq al-Hukmiyah - Ibn al-Qayyim

Ahkam Ahl adh-Dhimah - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

Hadi al-Arwah ila Bilad al-Afrah - Ibn al-Qayyim

The Athars of Imam ibn al-Qayyim are a collection of books and epistles of Imam ibn Qayyim al-Djawziya with careful verification from several manuscripts. This edition is considered by many specialists as the best on the works of Ibn al-Qayyim. Several serious Muhaqqiq worked on it under the supervision of Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd.
This Majmou' includes the following books:
(08) Al-Kaafiyyah Ach-Shaafiyyah fi Instisaar lil Firqah an-Naajiyyah: 1 volume (318 pages) containing Matn only, 100% harakat. Then a commented version in 3 volumes (1451 pages). which comes to explain certain references or words of the poem. Verified from 7 manuscripts.
(09) At-Turuq al-Hukumiyyah fias-Siyaasah ash-Shar'iyyah: 2 volumes (1212 pages). Checked from 6 manuscripts.
(10) Haadee al-Arwaah ila Bilaad al-Arfraah: 2 volumes (1240 pages). Checked from 5 manuscripts.
(11) Al-Furoosiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah: 1 volume (644 pages). Verified from 3 manuscripts.
(12) Al-Manaar al-Muneef al-Saheeh wa ad-Da'eef: 1 volume (253 pages). Verified from 1 manuscript.
All books have annotations referencing and authenticating hadiths and detailed search indexes.
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