Adwae Islamiya ala ba'd al-Afkar al-Khatia

Dawru al-Masuniyah fi ath-Thawrat al-'Arabiyah...

Akhtaae fil-3Aqeeda wa tanbihaat muhimmah -...

4 Rasaail fi Tahdhir min al-Bid'a - Ibn Baaz

The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God...

Story of the book: Everything revolves around visiting graves, visiting mosques and visiting the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. Between what is legislated and what is forbidden and innovated.
Originally Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah wrote a rebuttal to one of his contemporaries: Al-Ikhnaa-ee. After the death of Ibn Taymiyyah, rahimahullaah, another of his critics at the time, Imam as-Subki, so wrote a rebuttal to the refutation of ibn Taymiyyah known as the "Shifa-u s-fi Saqam Ziyarati Khayri l-Anam ". However, this book is filled with weak and invented hadeeth and the author distorted the real opinion of Shaykh al-Islam on various topics.
Imam al-Hafidh Ibn Abdel Hadi, famous student of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, thus refuted him so perfectly that it is said that his book is the most comprehensive in its field (visit tombs, mosques and the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). He refutes the hadeeth used by as-Subki one by one and the implications he claims, as he relates the real opinion of his Sheikh to answer charges of as-Subki.
An outstanding book in a secure editing and verified by 3 Muhaqqiqat from four manuscripts.
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