As-Silah bayna Aqidah Wahdat al-Wujud wa Falasafa at-Ta-ifa al-Kawniya

الصلة بين عقيدة وحدة الوجود وفلسفة الطاقة الكونية - عبد الرحمن بن مرزوق الهذلي

The advocates of the unity of existence did not encounter much difficulty in invading Western society, especially after convincing Westerners that the unity of existence is their path to fill the spiritual void they experience, and the optimal remedy for the boredom and depression resulting from this void, which leads some of them to suicide.

The proponents of cosmic energy realized that they wouldn't gain acceptance in the Islamic world, rich in spiritual and moral ideas and fortified by the strength of faith, if they openly admitted how their concept incorporates the unity of existence. Therefore, they resorted to deceit and wrapped this belief in an Islamic cover before presenting it to Muslims in their seminars, conferences, and writings. They relied on manipulating words, telling the Westerner, "You are a creator," while saying to the Muslim, "You are creative."

The aim of this book is to explore the relationship between the doctrine of the unity of existence and the philosophy of cosmic energy by elucidating the reality of each, tracing their origins, and examining aspects of the unity of existence in the centers, works, and applications of cosmic energy. It also discusses the principles on which the philosophers of cosmic energy based their assertion of the unity of existence. The goal is to help the reader understand the reality of the theory of cosmic energy in terms of pagan beliefs, and its applications that may lead practitioners into innovation and polytheism.

€22.50 (tax incl.)
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الصلة بين عقيدة وحدة الوجود وفلسفة الطاقة الكونية
عبد الرحمن بن مرزوق الهذلي
دار طيبة الخضراء
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As-Silah bayna Aqidah Wahdat al-Wujud wa Falasafa at-Ta-ifa al-Kawniya