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Islamic Feminism: Between Abandonment and Patchwork by Dr. Sami Amiri is a book critical of the "Islamic feminist movement," which he considers a "destructive current that disguises itself with rich and scholarly Islamic jurisprudence to achieve non-legitimate rights and change the family structure, following Western legal and value systems."
He argues in the book that Islamic feminism is not a movement to defend established Islamic rights, but rather a destructive current that disregards the rich and scholarly tradition of Islamic jurisprudence. It seeks to achieve non-legitimate rights and change the family structure, following Western legal and value systems.
Also Islamic feminism forces contemporary values onto Islamic law by misinterpreting some texts and ignoring others, it contradicts Islam with regards to ultimate authority. While non-Islamic feminism directly contradicts Islamic authority, Islamic feminism disguises contemporary values as Islamic law.
Finally, Dr Amiri offers an alternative to Islamic feminism in his book, which he calls the "Islamic perspective on women." This perspective is based on the recognition of the dignity of women and their equality with men in human value. It grants women all their legitimate Islamic rights without compromising the core principles of Islam, and it preserves the structure of the Muslim family based on cooperation and complementarity between spouses.
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