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Dr. Sami Amiri's book, "Why Does God Demand Worship from Humans?" tackles a significant question pondered by many: Why does God require humans to worship him? In this book, Dr Amiri offers compelling answers grounded in religious texts and logical reasoning.
Key Points of the Book:
The Wisdom of Worshipping God: Dr Amiri argues that worshipping God is not a whimsical demand, but rather essential for human well-being and happiness.
Benefits of Worshipping God: The book explains that worshipping God brings numerous benefits to humans, such as a sense of peace and tranquility, strengthening faith, and improving moral character.
The Meaning of Worshipping God: Dr Amiri differentiates between genuine worship and superficial worship, emphasizing that true worship stems from the heart and translates into righteous actions.
Addressing Doubts: Dr Amiri refutes some doubts that might arise regarding worshipping God, such as: Why does God require worship if He is self-sufficient?
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