3 Rasail fi 'Ilm Mustalah al-Hadith - Abu Dawud, ibn Tahir, al-Hazimi

ثلاث رسائل في علم مصطلح الحديث : أبو داود، ابن طاهر، الحازمي

The common point of these 3 epistles is the knowledge of the conditions of the 6 Imams of the Hadith in the acceptance of chains of narrations (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nassai, Ibn Majah).

Knowing the conditions of these great imams is an essential prerequisite for the study of their book or the science of the Hadeeth. The 3 Risalas are as follows:

  1. Risalah al-Imam Abi Dawood al-Sijistani ila Ahl Makkah fi Wasf Sunanihi - Imam Abu Dawud (author of the Sunan, 275H)
  2. Shuroot al-A-immah as-Sittah - Al-Hafidh Muhammad ibn Tahir al-Maqdissi (507H)
  3. Shuroot al-A-immah as-Khamsah - Al-Hafidh Muhammad ibn Mussa al-Hazimi (507H)

These 3 works are verified and commented by the Muhaddith Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah who has written introductions to each book and additional annotations to facilitate the reader's understanding. Harakat in part.

€12.50 (tax incl.)
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ثلاث رسائل في علم مصطلح الحديث
أبو داود، ابن طاهر، الحازمي
دار السلام
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عبد الفتاح أبو غدة
In Part
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Good Quality Print
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