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The work focuses on corrections made by scholars to specific wordings in hadiths. The author does not critique the chains of narration or the authenticity of hadiths, but rather addresses specific words that were challenged by some narrators in the six hadith books. These corrections do not affect the authenticity of the hadiths but rather concern the issue of using specific wordings as evidence.
This is the book's methodology: For example, the first volume on Sahih al-Bukhari contains 89 instances where narrators made mistakes in wording. The author presents the hadith containing the word in question, then identifies the narrator(s) who made the mistake, followed by citing scholars who pointed out the error. He then presents the correct wording and its narrators, and also notes Bukhari's own comments on the error. This methodology is consistently followed across all six volumes, with each volume dedicated to one of the six major hadith books.
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