4 Risala on the Jarh wa Ta'dil - Criticism and...

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Annotations to the book Mustalah al-Hadith de...

The methodology of Sheikh al-Albani in Takhrij, ie referencing ahaadeeth and different chains of transmission, but also the judgment given them: Sahih, Hasan, Da'if.
The author of this research (thesis magisterium obtained excellent mention) takes a median position in outlining the methodology of Sheikh, his place and his choices in the science of Hadith and Fiqh, and he also cites his contemporaries who were in divergence with him (either on some TasHiH or some TaD 'if, or on the use of hadith Da'if).
Research is honest, neither passionate nor spiteful, but tries to demonstrate the place of Sheikh in the field of hadith, his methodology in comparison to his predecessors among muhaddithins, Hadith he rendered authentic or weak on which his contemporaries, Salafi or not, have disagreed, and why.
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