4 Risala on the Jarh wa Ta'dil - Criticism and...

Mustalah al-Hadeeth by Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen

Muntaha ar-Raghbah fi Halli Alfadh an-Nukhbah -...

At-Taqyid wal-Idah (Kitab Ibn As-Salah...

Manhaj an-Naqd fi 'Ulum al-Hadith - Dr. Nur...

This book is titled "The Terminology of Hadith," and it is published by Ihsan Center for Prophetic Sunnah Studies. It stands out with a contemporary and accessible style that combines modern educational methods with a scientific approach. Each lesson includes set objectives and a preliminary activity designed to stimulate students and enhance their critical thinking skills. This is followed by a detailed explanation of the key concepts, ending with a summary, evaluation minute, and comprehensive and reliable sources for each term.
The Course is made of 2 levels (2 volumes).
Ihssan Center for Sunnah Studies:
Ihssan Center is a non-profit organization based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, dedicated to studying, promoting, and preserving the Prophetic Sunnah. It aims to strengthen belief in the Sunnah and provide intellectual immunity against contemporary doubts.
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