Su’ood al-Maraaqi ila Alfiat al-’Iraaqi (3...

Mustalah al-Hadeeth by Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen

Al-I'tibaar fin-Naasikh wal-Mansookh...

Annotations to the book Mustalah al-Hadith de...

Sharh Nukhbah al-Fikar fi Mustalah - Salih...

The early Muslims paid great attention to recording everything that was reported from the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, whether verbal, practical or tacit approval, because it is the second source of Islamic legislation. The process of that recording passed through several stages of codification, then writing, classification, and authorship, after it was limited only to word of mouth and narration. Then, with the passage of time, the types of Hadith and Sunnah books branched out between Sahih, Sunan, Muwattas, compilations, chains of narrators, Mustadraks and extracts, which contain thousands of prophetic Ahadiths and honorable narrations on various topics of religion and its law.
This book deals with a brief inductive study of the history of writing the Sunnah and its codification in the first centuries, and then of the development of classification and writing it through the Hijri centuries, with a brief definition of the famous scholars of this scientific movement, as well as the most important books they wrote in those centuries.
The book is written in a simplified and easy manner, without delving into controversial issues that are useless.
A real encyclopaedia of books and scholars of Hadith through the centuries, with the Harakats as part of it.
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