The view Crescent of Ramadan (4 Rasaail)

أربع رسائل في هلال خير الشهور - السبكي- ابن عابدين - اللكنوي

Collection gathering 4 Risala on the theme of the sight of Hilal (crescent) to determine the coming of the month of Ramadan.

The 4 epistles are as follows:

Al-'Ilm al-Manshoor fi Ithbaat ash-Shuhoor, by Imam Taqi ad-Din as-Subki (771H), a great legal authority of his time, Judge of the Judges of Damascus, Shafii of Madhhab.

Tanbih al-Ghaafil wa al-Wasnaan 'ala Ahkaam Hilaal Ramadaan, by Shaykh Muhammad Amin ibn 'Abidin (1252H), called Khatim al-Muhaqqiqin, was a respected Hanafi scholar and jurist in Damascus where he was Mufti.

Al-Falk ad-Dawaar fi Rouyah al-Hilaal bil-Nahaar, by Shaykh Abd al-Hay al-Lucknawi (Mawlana Abdul Hayy) , he was Muhaddith, Faqih and Usuli in India (1304H).

Al-Qawl al-Manshur fi Hilal Khayr ash-Shuhur, by Mawlana Abdul Hayy al-Luckanwi also.

All these Risalas have been written because of controversies that have occurred in the epochs of the different authors, and which they wished to clarify by recalling the rules and statutes surrounding the vision and determination of the new month according to the evidence of the Qur'an and the Sunnah and the words of the People of Science.

Verified and referenced edition.
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أربع رسائل في هلال خير الشهور
السبكي- ابن عابدين - اللكنوي
دار ابن حزم
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Print Quality
Good Quality Print
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