Hadiths on the prohibition of anger + 2 Risalah

Advice and Admonitions of Abi Sulayman...

Sharh al-Wabil as-Sayyib min al-Kalim at-Tayyib...

Risaalah fi ad-Da3wa Ila Allah - Shaykh...

Advice and Admonitions of Abdullah ibn...

Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nasser Al-Saadi - may Allah have mercy on him - said in the introduction of his book “Ad-Durrah Al-Fākhirah fi Ta’leeq ‘ala Mandhoumat as-Sayr ila Allah wa ad-Dar Al-Ākhirah”: This is a pleasing comment on my poem “…in the path to Allah and the Hereafter”; it unravels its meanings and clarifies its structure. It was the focus of a great number of those who seek the path to Allah, which leads its owner to the Gardens of bliss in the vicinity of the Noble Lord, and prevents him from the torment of Hell and the painful rejection from Allah. I ask Allah Alone, by His Grace, to make this book purely dedicated for His Sake, and a means to draw me closer to Him.
Edition authenticated and annoted.
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