Al-Ibanah of Ibn Battah condensed version in 1 volume

تهذيب كتاب الإبانة عن شريعة الفرقة الناجية - ابن بطة العكبري

A condensed version of the monumental book in the authentic Aqidah according to the Salaf, written by Imam par excellence, Ibn Battah al-'Ukbari (387H).

This condensed version preserves all the essence of the text of Ibn Battah, by simply removing or Athar hadiths that are repeated or that already exists with a different channel or a different formulation, keeping priority authentic chains and by shortening the chains of transmission to save space.

The perfect edition for anyone who wants to enjoy the book and its beads in a simplified and authenticated version and in a single volume (easier for reading and place in bookshelves).

Tahdhib, Takhrij and Tahqiq by Dr. Ahmad az-Zahrani, Professor of Aqida at the University of King Abdel Aziz of Jeddah.

€39.90 (tax incl.)
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تهذيب كتاب الإبانة عن شريعة الفرقة الناجية و مجانبة الفرق المذمومة
الإمام ابن بطة العكبري
دار ابن حزم
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د. أحمد بن صالح الزهراني
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Premium Quality
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Al-Ibanah of Ibn Battah condensed version in 1 volume