Al-Amr bi al-Ma'roof wa an-Nahee 'an al-Munkar...

Kitab Al-Iman - Al-Hafidh Ibn Abi Shaybah (235H)

Al-Asmaa was-Sifaat lil-Imam al-Bayhaqi

Al-Ibanah 'An Usul ad-Diyanah - Abul-Hasan...

At-Tanbih wa ar-Rad 'ala Ahl al-Ahwae wal-Bida'...

This is a comprehensive and voluminous book criticizing the path of the Ash'aris and people from Kalam (sects which derived from Jahmiyyah) using as a basis by an essential book Aqeedah Ash'ariyyah, Ta-ssis at Taqdis by Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi. This book brings together the foundations of the Ash'aris, questions about the names and attributes of Allah, their way into the Ta-wil and Tahrif.
Ibn Taymiyya isthereforerefute their foundation and their rules, opposing them Aqeedah of the Salaf. This book is part of the more extensive on the subject and it includes some questions he has not treated elsewhere.
This edition of good quality simply provides plain text, met in 2 volumes, without notes or Tahqiq.
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