Nahj ar-Rashad fi Nadhm al-I'tiqad (Aqida Salafiyya poem 776H)

نهج الرشاد في نظم الاعتقاد - السرمري الحنبلي

Beautiful poem highlighting the genuine belief of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'a, with all harakats.

Written by Hanbali imam named Jamal ad-Din as-Sarramrriyi (696-776H), recognized by major contemporary imams for its science, especially adh-Dhahabi which he was the student, Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani. His pupils include the author of al-al-Qaamoos Mouhit, Al
Firuzabadi and ibn al-Jazari the famous scholar of Tajweed.

So this is a poem about the Aqeedah that defends the raw belief of the people of the Sunna in several points.

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نهج الرشاد في نظم الاعتقاد
جمال الدين يوسف بن محمد السرمري الحنبلي
دار العلا
Checking and preparation
حسام الدين مصطفى و كريم محمد عيد ذكي
In Majority or Totality
Print Quality
Good Quality Print
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Nahj ar-Rashad fi Nadhm al-I'tiqad (Aqida Salafiyya poem 776H)