Mafhum at-Tafsir wa at-Ta-wil by Dr Musa'id...

Aqwal as-Salaf fi al-Huruf al-Muqatta'ah - Dr...

Al-Mustadrak 'ala Mawsu'ah at-Tafsir al-Ma-thur...

Muqaddimah fi Usul at-Tafsir – Ibn Taymiyyah

Itqan al-Burhan fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an - Dr. Fadl...

This is a book that defines the principles of Noble Qur'an interpretation as the scientific underpinnings to which the interpreter refers while explaining the Noble Qur'an's meanings and adjusting the difference in interpretation.
It also discusses its history, enumerates the sources of interpretation, separates them, and the areas of benefit from them, and demonstrates the methods of interpretation and the sciences that the interpreter requires, indicating the difference and the reasons that led interpreters to differ among themselves, and distinguishing between the types of difference in terms of their truth and wordiness, as well as defining consensus and weighting and explaining its rules. This was reinforced with examples, references to supporting and suggested literature and studies, and applied questions. Dr. Musa'id at-Tayyar authored this book.
This superb work is the result of Mahad Imam Shatibi, a famous Merkez in Saudi Arabia who regularly provides excellent works like this one.
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