Juhud Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah fi Naqd...

Aqwaal Ulama as-Sunnah fi Jama'a at-Tableegh -...

Da'wah an-Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)...

The Beliefs of the Rawafid and the Refutations...

Kullu Bid'atin Dalalah by Dr 'Alawy as-Saqqaf

The Differences between the Beliefs of the Salaf and the Murji'ah in Faith, by Saleh bin Muhammad Al-Suweih. Prefaced by Saleh bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan and Mohammed bin Hassan Al Al-Sheikh.
The book discusses the distinction between the doctrines of the righteous predecessors (Salaf) and the deviant Murji'ah sect in matters of faith. It sheds light on how the Muslim community was affected by the ideology of irja’ (postponing judgment) and its impact on causing divisions and doctrinal issues. By delving into various scholars' efforts across generations to combat these deviations and rectify the understanding of faith, the book emphasizes key differences between Salafi beliefs, which emphasize the importance of actions in faith, and the Murji'ah doctrine, which does not consider actions integral to faith. This work urges readers to comprehend and adopt the correct belief based on the teachings of the righteous predecessors.
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