Fath al-Manan fi Dirasah al-Firaq wa al-Adyan - Tariq Said al-Qahtani
فتح المنان في دراسة الفرق والأديان - طارق سعيد عبدالله القحطاني
This book is a perfect introduction into the knowledge of the main sects and religions.
The first part is devoted to the "monotheistic" religions, Judaism and Christianity. The author first gives a historical and chronological review, then cites the important works attributed to them, and finally the different groups/sects that make up this religion.
The second part deals with the most important Islamic factions: The Khawarij, The Rawafidh, the Batiniyyah, Ahl al-Kalam (Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyah, Maturidiyah), the Murjiah and finally the Sufis.
Again, the author first outlines the histories of these groups and the reasons for the divisions, and they expose their peculiarities and misguidance.
Data sheet
- Title
- فتح المنان في دراسة الفرق والأديان
- Author
- طارق سعيد عبدالله القحطاني
- Pages
- 267
- Edition
- دار الناشر المتميز
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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