Maqalat at-Tafwid bayna as-Salaf wa al-Mutakallimin
مقالة التفويض بين السلف و المتكلمين - محمد بن محمود آل خضير
One of the issues that occupied much of the writings and studies of many of those engaged in Ilm al-Kalaam was the issue of (At-Tafwid) and proving its attribution to the Salaf Scholars. For the scholars of Kalaam, At-Tafwid means that the meanings of Divine Attributes cannot be perceived by human beings, as they have no knowledge about them. To prove that, these have collected many of the Salaf’s sayings which they believed to be proof of what they intend to confirm.
This book, “Maqalat at-Tafwid bayna as-Salaf wa al-Mutakallimin” is an accurate tracking of this issue, a monitoring of its history and causes, and a refutation of its origins and principles. The book includes a reply to one of the most important books that has dealt with the issue of At-Tafwid, entitled “Al-Qawl at-Tamam bi Ithbat at-Tafwid. Madhhaban li as-Salaf al-Kiram”.
Data sheet
- Title
- مقالة التفويض بين السلف و المتكلمين
- Author
- محمد بن محمود آل خضير
- Pages
- 663
- Edition
- تكوين للدراسات والأبحاث
- Cover
- Soft
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Risalah Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi fi Rad 'ala Ibn Naghliyah al-Yahudi
رسالة ابن حزم الأندلسي في الرد على ابن النغريلة اليهودي
Tuhfat al-Yaqin fi Sifat 'Uluw Allah ala Al-'Aalamin - Ammar Khanfar
تحفة اليقين في صفة علو الله على العالمين - د. عمار خنفر
Da'wah an-Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) li an-Nasarah
دعوة النبي للنصارى وأبرز معالمها وثمارها - د. علي الأحمد
Rasaail fi al-Firaq (Essays on Sects) - Muhammad Ibrahim al-Hamad
رسائل في الفرق - محمد بن إبراهيم الحمد
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Juhud Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah fi Bab al-Asma wa as-Sifat
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