Al Jawab ul Baligh 'an Jama'ati Tabligh -...

Haqiqah at-Tassawuf - Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

The Warning Against Innovation - ibn Baz

The Beliefs of the Rawafid and the Refutations...

Juhud Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah fi Naqd...

Al-Ashāʿirah School is one of the Islamic groups that has been surrounded by great confusion regarding the soundness of its approach and its compatibility with true Islamic Shari’ah. Whereas the scholars of Hadith have claimed that it is one of the innovated sects (Mubtadiah), some have disagreed and considered it one of the groups that proposed the middle course doctrine (Al-Madhab Al-wasat) that combines reason and the Shari’ah, and contributed to the development of Islamic thought. So what is the truth about this school? What are the origins of its doctrine? How compatible is its approach to the Qur’an and Sunnah?
This very detailed research (+ 800 pages) will unveil the story of the Asharis and its theological concepts.
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