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At-Tanaasub bayna al-Ayaat, Proportion between Verses - Fayez as-Sarih

التناسب بين الآيات - فايز سياف السريح

A valuable book on its subject by his Eminence Sheikh Fayez Sayyaf al-Suraih; it contains over 17,000 Qur'anic occasions between each verse and the one before it, from Al-Fatihah to An-Nas.

The book's preface was written by a group of Qur'an interpreters, including Prof. Dr. Fahd Ibn Abdur Rahman Al Roumi, may Allah protect him. The book includes the occasions between the verses in the entire Qur'an that the commentators have mentioned in their books in a unique style and beautiful coordination.

Great Saudi edition in 6 volumes.

€245.00 (tax incl.)
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التناسب بين الآيات
فايز بن سياف السريح
دار الحضارة
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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