Taysir al-Maram fi Sharh Umdat al-Ahkam - Ibn Marzuq al-Hanbali
تيسير المرام في شرح عمدة الأحكام - الخطيب شمس الدين بن مرزوق التلمساني
Explanation of the first chapters of Umdatul-Ahkam by a classical Hanbali scholar, al-Khatib Ibn Marzouq al-Talmasani (781H), the Sheikh of the imam ach-Chatibi. A very detailed and thorough explanation that he unfortunately did not complete (the last hadeeth explained is the 29th) but which already contains enormous profits.
The author brings back the opinion of his school and also those of other schools when he finds it relevant, he explains in depth the hadiths, with at least a dozen pages of explanation by hadith and up to 90 pages only for the hadith "the works are but by intentions."
A rare and very interesting book, which is the result of extensive academic research, which involves a long introduction about the author and his methodology, numerous annotations, referencing all the hadiths, and several research summaries by theme. Beautiful edition in 2 volumes.
Data sheet
- Title
- تيسير المرام في شرح عمدة الأحكام
- Author
- الخطيب شمس الدين بن مرزوق التلمساني
- Pages
- 1043
- Edition
- دار ابن حزم
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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