“Al-I’lām bi-aḥādīth al-aḥkām,” written by Badr ad-Din Ibn Jamā‘ah, is one of the books that studies the Hadiths of rulings. The author has selected these Ahadiths from Sahihs Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and arranged them based on the chapters of the book “At-Tanbeeh” by Imam Abu Ishaq Ash-Shirazi.
He, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “This is a collection of Ahadiths of the Prophet discussing jurisprudential rulings, which I extracted from Sahihs Al-Bukhari and Muslim or one of them, abridging them by deleting their chain of transmission, and where I say: this is by so-and-so, it is from him specifically. I have arranged these Ahadiths based on the chapters of the book “At-Tanbeeh” by Imam Abu Ishaq Ash-Shirazi, to make it easy for students.”
Great print, published for first time, checked from 2 manuscripts, good Tahqiq and useful annotations on references of Hadith and meanings.
100% Harakat.
Data sheet
- Title
- الإعلام بأحاديث الأحكام
- Author
- الإمام ابن جماعة الكناني الشافعي
- Pages
- 364
- Edition
- الروضة للنشر
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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