Al-Jami' Lima Sahha fi as-Sunan wal Masanid wal Jawami' - 4800 Hadith
الجامع لما صح في السنن والمسانيد والجوامع - حسن بن محمد يحيى سليمان
Al-Jami' Lima Sahha fi as-Sunan wal Masaneed wal Jawaami’ by Hasan bin Muhammad Yahya Suleimani
The established prophetic hadiths have been scattered across various books. The Algerian researcher Hasan bin Muhammad Yahya Suleimani decided to compile them in this massive book containing more than 4800 hadiths, including both authentic (sahih) and good (hasan) narrations. The book is organized according to the arrangement found in Sahih Muslim. For recurring hadiths, the author chose the wording of Sahih al-Bukhari whenever possible. For each hadith, he first mentions the chapter title, then the text of the hadith with full harakat, and then the books where the hadith can be found.
Magnificent Saudi edition in a large volume of over 1000 pages with the majority of the Harakats.
Data sheet
- Title
- الجامع لما صح في السنن والمسانيد والجوامع
- Author
- حسن بن محمد يحيى سليمان
- Pages
- 1072
- Edition
- دار طيبة الخضراء
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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