Al-Muntaqa fil-Ahkam ash-Shari'a min Kalam...

al-Wajiz fi as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah - Sheikh...

Zad al-Muslim fima ittafaqa 'alayh al-Bukhari...

Mawsu'ah al-Ahadith as-Sahihah : 8 volumes,...

Misbah as-Sihah (Jam' bayna Sahih Bukhari wa...

A collection of Hadith by the great Yemeni scholar, Hasan ibn Ahmad ar-Ruba'iy as-San'ani (1276H), a student of Imam al-Shawkani.
This collection is the result of a great effort of the author, who selected the Hadiths concerning legal judgments. He has taken inspiration from the best collections such as Bulugh al-Maram, at-Targhib wa at-Tarhib, Jami' as-Saghir, Majmu' az-Zawaid... his collection finally gathers 6529 unique Hadiths.
In addition, Shaykh ar-Ruba'i has classified his selection according to the chapters of Fiqh, for each Hadith he states its degree of authenticity and finally sometimes he explains the complex terms.
A very serious edition in 4 volumes, verified by Sheikh 'Ali al-'Imran from 3 manuscripts, who proceeded to the complete Takhrij of each Hadith.
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