Kitab Al-Amthal fi al-Hadith al-Nabawi - Abu Shaykh al-Asbahani (369H)

كتاب الأمثال في الحديث النبوي لأبي الشيخ الأصبهاني

"Al-Amthal fi al-Hadith al-Nabawi" (Analogies in the Prophetic Hadith) is considered a valuable reference in collecting analogies mentioned in the noble Prophetic hadiths. The book deals with analogies in an organized manner, starting by mentioning the analogy and then citing the Prophetic hadiths in which it appeared. This book is distinguished by its focus on analogies from authentic and accepted hadiths, making it a reliable source for researchers and students of knowledge.

The book highlights the value of analogies in the Prophetic hadiths, as they embody the style of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in communication and conveying messages. They are characterized by their ease of understanding and memorization, and their ability to establish meanings in the minds. The book also reveals the eloquence of the Prophet in using analogies, as they carry deep meanings and valuable lessons, and vary in their topics to cover various aspects of life.

Abu al-Shaykh al-Asbahani was one of the prominent scholars of his time. Al-Dhahabi described him in "Al-Siyar" as the Imam, the Hadith memorizer, the truthful, and the Hadith scholar of Isfahan. He also said in "Tarikh al-Islam": "He was a memorizer, knowledgeable of the narrators and the chapters (of Hadith), extremely knowledgeable in Hadith, righteous, devout, obedient to God..."

Gorgeous verified edition with most of the Harakats.

€26.00 (tax incl.)
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كتاب الأمثال في الحديث النبوي
أبو الشيخ الأصبهاني
دار الإمام البخاري
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