Dictionary of Quadriliteral Verbs - Mu'jam...

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Dictionary of Arabic grammatical terms

Mu‘jam Al-Af‘āl Al-Muta‘addiyah bi-Ghayrihā: (Dictionary of transitive verbs that are accompanied)
Many people make mistakes in using letters with transitive verbs that are accompanied, for each verb has prepositions that are used with transitive verbs, which may not be used with others, and their incorrect use often changes their meanings.
Therefore, Dar al-Nafa’is has decided to publish a special dictionary for transitive verbs that are accompanied, dealing with their different uses, explaining their different meanings according to the different prepositions that come after them, which may help the contemporary reader who seeks to improve his pronunciation and writing, and, at the same time, tends to obtain information as quickly as possible.
The author was keen to come up with examples from the Noble Qur’an and ancient Arabic poetry, as well as to set the present tense verb according to the order mentioned in the introduction of the dictionary.
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