Al Jaami' fi 'Aqaaid wa Rasaail Ahl Sunnah wal...

Aqeedah at-Tawheed by shaykh al-Fawzaan

Aqidatu Ahl-us-Sunnati-wal-Jamaa'ah - Ibn...

Kitab at-Tawhid of Imam Muhammad ibn...

13 Risalah by Imam Muhammad ibn Abdelwahhab

This treatise of Aqida is divided into 15 chapters in which the author, Imam Abu Mudhaffar al-Isfarayini, exposes the erroneous and destructive beliefs of the Islamic sects that emerged, such as the Rawafid, Khawarij, Qadari, Murjiya, Jahmiya, Karamiya, Mutashabiha, and finally in the last chapter he exposes the Aqida of Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama'a.
It is an important book in the classification and exposition of Islamic sects, in the same way as al-Firqa bayna al-Firaq by Imam al-Baghdadi. And like the latter, the author is rather Ash'ari in tendency, and is nicknamed Hujjah al-Mutakallimin.
A verified and authenticated Saudi edition, with illuminating and important annotations.
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