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Al-Ihtijaj bi al-Ijma' 'ala Masail Usul ad-Din...

This book discusses the beliefs of the Salaf and their opponents among the people of innovation concerning the Quran. The author has divided it into four sections: the belief of the Salaf regarding the Quran, the beliefs of their opponents, the status of the Quran among the Salaf, and finally, the status of the Quran among their opponents. Each section is divided into chapters, and each chapter contains numerous discussions.
The book meticulously examines all the issues related to belief in the Quran among the Salaf and among various deviant doctrinal sects, including Sufis, Shia, Batiniyya, dialecticians (Ahl al-Kalam), Mu'tazilites, and contemporary rationalists and Sunnah-deniers.
This second edition is published by Dar al-Tawhid in Riyadh in two volumes spanning 1200 pages.
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